On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Ingvar von Schoultz
> Garrett Smith wrote:

> ,-------
> | [[Flexible]] boolean If true, attempts to change the attributes
> | of the property, or to delete the property, will succeed.
> `-------
> Ignore "sealed", that word adds confusion. [[Flexible]] is not
> about an object as a whole.
> There's a more informative description on page 9 of the PDF
> document that is linked to here:
> https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2008-July/006664.html
> Quoting from there, the following text talks about what this
> attribute affects:
> ,-------
> | In ES3 the possible basic state transitions of a property are
> | to create the property, to change the value of the property,
> | and to delete the property. The ES3 ReadOnly and DontDelete
> | property attributes regulate the ability make the latter two
> | transitions. With the addition of getter/setter properties
> | and reified property attributes, there are additional possible
> | property state transitions such as replacing a getter or setter
> | function, changing an attribute of a property, changing a data
> | property into a getter/setter property, and changing a getter/setter
> | property into a data property.
> `-------
> I hope this helps.

Yes, it cleared up my confusion.

Thank you.


> --
> Ingvar von Schoultz
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