2008/12/4 Brendan Eich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Sam pointed that out too, and directed everyone to his test-implementation
> results page:
> http://intertwingly.net/stories/2008/09/20/estest.html
> Indeed we still have an open issue there ignoring the wrapper one:
> I think the only major outstanding semantic issue was wrapper
> objects; apart from that, the devil was in the detail of spec wording.
> No, the cohort/toString issue remains too (at least).

With a longer schedule, I would like to revisit that; but as of
Redmond, we had consensus on what that would look like in the context
of a 3.1 edition.

>From where I sit, I find myself in the frankly surreal position that
we are in early December, and there are no known issues of consensus,
though I respect that David-Sarah claims that there is one on
wrappers, and I await his providing of more detail.

> /be

- Sam Ruby
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