On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:

> Opera, Apple, and Mozilla. The HTML5 spec originally specced what IE does,
> namely throw an exception when running code whose global object doesn't
> match the current Window object, but Opera, Apple, and Mozilla rejected
> this on the grounds that it could not be implemented in a high-performance
> manner. They requested that the spec be changed to match what Mozilla and
> Safari do. What Opera does is known to be incompatible with deployed
> content (they expose Window objects that aren't === to each other).
> The browsers all do slightly different things. The HTML5 spec right now is
> a mix of what Gecko and Webkit do.

Now that I think I understand "current" and how weak the legacy constraints
are, why not simply spec that your WindowProxy is the object to treated as
the ECMAScript global object? The consequence would be that both f() and g()
in your original example would return 2.

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