On Thu, 19 Feb 2009, David-Sarah Hopwood wrote:
> MarkM's point is that *given that the object called Window is 
> inaccessible*, there's no way to observe that the object called Window 
> is at the top of the scope chain.

Granted, but there _is_ a way to observe that the object at the top of the 
scope chain isn't the same as the object returned by |this|, which is what 
I am concerned about.

> > When a browsing context navigates from page A to page B, the object at 
> > the top of the scope chain in code from page A and the oject at the 
> > top of the scope chain in code from page B are not the same object,
> It's not possible to observe that, since by hypothesis neither object is 
> accessible to ECMAScript code.

The object itself isn't, but properties on the object are. If two scripts 
check to see what value a variable "x" on their global object is, and they 
get different results, in the absence of any code changing anything, one 
can tell that they are different global objects.

> I'm confused by the motivation of the change in HTML5. It seems like it 
> is imposing most of the complexity that would be needed to fix some of 
> the security problems associated with the global object, *without* 
> actually fixing those problems.

What security problems does in not fix?

The motivation is to make HTML5 describe what browsers do.

> Also, it is a breach of standards development etiquette for the HTML WG 
> to make a a change (even in a draft) that it believes to be incompatible 
> with the ECMAScript spec, without consulting TC39. It should not have 
> been left to you in the role of an implementor to point out the 
> incompatibility.

I am the editor of the HTML5 spec. My e-mail was an attempt at the 
consultation to which you refer.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'
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