On Feb 19, 2009, at 1:20 AM, David-Sarah Hopwood wrote:

Ian Hickson wrote:
On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Mark S. Miller wrote:
I don't understand. If the object you're calling Window is inaccessible
from ES code, and if the object you're calling WindowProxy forwards
everything to your Window, why not just relabel Window ->
InternalWindow, WindowProxy -> Window?

I don't really mind what the objects are called, the point is just that the object at the top of the scope chain is not the same as the object
returned by "this" (or "window" on the global object).

MarkM's point is that *given that the object called Window is inaccessible*, there's no way to observe that the object called Window is at the top of
the scope chain. An implementation could reflect all property changes
in that object to the object called WindowProxy, by some unspecified
mechanism (which is allowed since they are both host objects).

It is possible to observe that the object at the top of the scope chain behaves differently than the global "this" value (it may have an entirely different set of properties), so this arguably violates the ECMAScript requirement that these be the same object, even though object identity cannot be observed directly.

However, this can only be observed in the presence of multiple global objects and global object replacement via navigation, which is a situation not adequately covered by the ECMAScript spec at present. One could make the case that because the difference is not observable under a single global object, then the behavior is conforming.

I'm confused by the motivation of the change in HTML5. It seems like it is imposing most of the complexity that would be needed to fix some of the security problems associated with the global object, *without* actually
fixing those problems.

The HTML5 spec behavior does fix important security problems, relative to what older browsers used to do. Older behavior was to reuse the same global object across navigations, but simply clear the variables. This creates easily exploitable XSS vulnerabiliites. Note though that HTML5 is following the implementations here rather than leading.

Also, it is a breach of standards development etiquette for the HTML WG to make a a change (even in a draft) that it believes to be incompatible with the ECMAScript spec, without consulting TC39. It should not have been left
to you in the role of an implementor to point out the incompatibility.

I think Ian discharged his obligation by notifying TC39 of the issue and starting this discussion. At this point, the important thing is to come up with a solution we can agree on.


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