On Nov 7, 2009, at 6:53 PM, Ash Berlin wrote:

On 8 Nov 2009, at 02:21, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On Nov 7, 2009, at 5:39 AM, Ash Berlin wrote:

On 6 Nov 2009, at 19:24, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Nov 6, 2009, at 10:44 AM, Dean Landolt wrote:



As a community (CommonJS) we'd be more than happy to go forward with a binary spec that came from (or at least has the blessing of) the ES groups

Binary/B is the closest of the three proposals to mine, in that it has both mutable and immutable binary data containers. Here are a few key differences:

(1) Binary/B does not have a cheap way to convert from the immutable representation (ByteString) to the mutable representation (ByteArray) (2) In Binary/B, Array-like index access to ByteString gives back one-byte ByteStrings instead of bytes, likely an over-literal copying of String (3) There are some seemingly needless differences in the interfaces to ByteString and ByteArray that follow from modeling on String and Array (4) Binary/B has many more operations available in the base proposal (including charset transcoding and a generous selection of String and Array methods)
(5) Different names - Data/DataBuilder vs. ByteString/ByteArray

On (1): cheap conversion from mutable to immutable (DataBuilder.prototype.release() in my proposal) lets binary data objects be built up with a convenient mutation-based idiom, but then passed around as immutable objects thereafter.

Mutable to immutable or immutable to mutable? Assuming the former, how do you handle the differences in API/behaviour? each function checks wether it is now immutable?

Mutable to immutable. Immutable to mutable has to copy (or at least copy-on-write).

My proposal does it like this (where DataBuilder is the mutable variant and Data is the immutable):


Return a new Data with the same length and the same byte values as the DataBuilder passed as the this value. At the same time, the DataBuilder is reset to length 0.

Because the DataBuilder is reset to empty, the implementation can "steal" its underlying buffer for the new Data object, thus converting to immutable without a full copy. This matches the common pattern of assembling a new piece of binary data with mutation, then handing it out to possibly multiple other pieces of code as immutable.

On (2): I don't think a one-byte ByteString is ever useful, indexing to get the byte value would be much more helpful.

Couldn't agree more with you here - if for whatever reason you do want a one-byte ByteString, there is always substr/substring. This is something that came up recently in IRC and prompted me to start looking at making changes to the proposal - I was going to do that next week, so this coming up now is very good timing.

On (3), I think it's good for the mutable interface to be a strict superset of the the immutable interface.

Seems like a reasonable thing to do.

I'm glad we agree on these two points.

(4) and (5) are all points where perhaps neither proposal is at the optimum yet. On (4), I suspect the sweet spot is somewhere between my spartan set of built-in operations and the very generous set in Binary/B.

Agreed - this was the other thing i noticed - e.g. sorting a ByteArray isn't really an operation that makes a whole lot of sense to my mind.

Yep. I'm not even sure things like map(), filter() or reduce() are likely to work well. My own preference is to start the API very small, and add incrementally based on demonstrated need and clearly articulated use cases.

On (5), I'm not sure either set of names is the best possible, and I'm certainly not stuck on my own proposed names.

I'm not really bothered either way on this front, although 'Data' is much more likely to clash with existing code.

Yes, Brendan made this point and presented some good evidence in that direction. I think 'Data' doesn't work but 'Binary' or 'BinData' might.

Something worth bearing in mind is that Binary/B is implemented in 2 or 3 CommonJS platforms already, but I don't think any one is particularly attached to the behaviour so long as what comes out isn't wildly different.

What kind of differences do you think they would tolerate? Renaming the classes? Dropping/changing some methods?


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