On 6/22/2010 5:28 PM, Garrett Smith wrote:

Most of the questions on Grammar were answered in this thread,
however, the question of  U+0009 as a JSONStringCharacter remains. All
major browsers allowi U+0009 in JSONString. What should the capability
test check? If all major browsers parse without error '  "\t"  ' to
result in a string with the character U+0009, then the feature test
can detect that failing and use the fallback.

JSON.parse accepting U+0009 in strings is now part of public API and
major libraries rely on that. Is going to be codified?

To summarize, the pressing questions are:

1) Is the spec going to change to allow U+0009? And if it isn't, why not? and
2) What should the fallback for JSON.parse use? Should it:
  (a) go by the letter of the spec and perform a capability test to
expect that an error is thrown for JSON.parse('  "\t"  '), or
  (b) go with what seems to be a de facto standard and allow U+0009 as
This has already been asked and answered. We are going with a strict interpretation of the JSON standard.
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