IE8 does correctly process:
I just tried it and it worked fine.  There are a few discrepancies between the 
IE8 JSON implementation and the current ES5 draft. See
 for details.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Hallvord R. M. Steen []
>Sent: Saturday, July 04, 2009 4:49 AM
>To: Oliver Hunt
>Cc: Allen Wirfs-Brock; Rob Sayre; Mark S.Miller;;
>Douglas Crockford; Robert Sayre
>Subject: Re: JSON parser grammar
>>>> a) Allow strings, numbers, Booleans, and null in addition to objects
>>>> and
>>>> arrays as top level JSON text.
>>>> The ES5 spec. already has this although it isn't in the RFC.  I
>>>> heard any suggestions that we remove it.
>>> How can you allow "strings" as top level JSON text?
>> A piece of text is either a string literal or it is not -- i suspect
>> you're confusing JSON.parse("foo") where you are passing a string
>> containing the characters f,o and o with JSON.parse("\"foo\"") in
>> the string contains the characters ",f,o,o and " -- eg. a  string
>> literal.
>Indeed I was, particularly since IE8's implementation doesn't seem to
>understand this string-inside-string feature yet so when I tried this
>earlier I remained confused :-p. Thanks for clarifying.
>Another question: The JSON grammar says
>JSONNumber ::
>-opt  DecimalIntegerLiteral JSONFraction opt  ExponentPart opt
>JSONFraction ::
>. DecimalDigits
>This apparently makes numbers like "1." illegal? Should this really
>JSON.parse('[1.]') ?
>And what about
>JSON.parse('[1.e10]') ?
>Both are of course allowed in normal JavaScript source text.
>Hallvord R. M. Steen, Core Tester, Opera Software

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