> I think there are some interesting ideas to explore in both D. Flanagan's 
> proposal and D. Herman's variations upon it.  However, they both seem to be 
> ignoring the second primary use case that I identified: conflict-free 
> extensions of build-in or third party objects.  While naming conventions or a 
> sigil seems to be satisfactory to many as a way to implement "weak 
> encapsulation".  I don't think it works for the extension case.

I guess the intended spirit of my admittedly not-fully-specified idea last 
night was that, other than the required '#' sigil, there's no major difference 
from the private names strawman on the wiki. In particular, you could still 
reify a private name in an expression context to get a value.

Let's just say, for the sake of concreteness, that the syntax would be:

    PrimaryExpression ::= ... | '#' Identifier

So you could do, for example:

    function gensym() {
        private #x;
        return #x;

The exact lexical syntax isn't so much the point as just trying to avoid the 
ambiguity between public and private identifiers when used after dot or before 
colon by using a distinct lexical syntax for private identifiers. This way you 
don't have to know what's in scope to know *whether* an identifier is private.


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