On Mar 11, 2011, at 12:11 PM, Charles Kendrick wrote:

> And again, I find your notion that an Object is "obviously" a HashMap very 
> suspect.

John's simply mistaken :-).

Take it from me, JS objects are not hashmaps and any would-be implementor who 
tries that and tests on real code is quickly disabused of the notion. It's not 
going to change, for named properties or any kind of property name.

The fact that many optimizing VMs bend the rules for array elements, if not for 
all indexed properties, suggests but of course does not prove that insertion 
order is a de-facto requirement for non-indexed "own" properties.

More on this when I've caught up on the thread, but I wanted to back your 
contention, not merely that it's not obvious that JS objects are hashmaps, but 
that they are not any such simple thing. True fact!

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