Brendan, Bradley and others - there's no need to search for a relatively 
uncommon use case for ordered maps indexed by keys - a far more common use case 
is enumerated data stored numerically, eg, marital status:

   2: "Married",
   1: "Single",
   5: "Divorced"

Likewise maps from numeric primary key values to display values for the records.

So this use case comes up just about every time JavaScript is manipulating data 
coming from a SQL database - extremely common.

On Mar 12, 2011, at 3:47 PM, Brendan Eich <> wrote:
>> 3. Object has a useful behavior (similar to Java LinkedHashMap) instead of a 
>> surprising behavior (treating indices specially)
> The argument from Java leaves many cold.

Argument from Java??? You wound me, sir!  I would never argue from the 
viewpoint of such a verbose language and far prefer your JavaScript.

To rephrase my argument so that it does not appear to be rooted in Java: take 
any library of collection classes from any language: C, C++, Python, perl, 
Ruby, Forth, whatever: do you ever find a collection class that is written to 
preserve order of string keys but not numeric keys?

I don't know of one.

So we're looking at standardizing a behavior for Object that no one has ever 
felt the need to implement as a reusable component.

I would argue this means we're standardizing a very rare use case.

>> This is aside from the performance 
> Perhaps these people should rewrite their code,

To be fair we're talking about a pretty tiny rewrite, in many cases a one-line 
change.  I made the change to JQuery is about 5 lines, with no apparent 
functional difference in a medium-size app.

If someone can point out a benchmark involving JQuery where Chrome appears to 
win due to dense Arrays, I can try it out, verify a performance difference if 
it's real, and submit the patch.  After all it applies to current Firefox 
regardless of what is decided here.

> but now we are in a perverse game: Chrome and possibly other browsers (I 
> haven't tested IE9) optimize their code better than other browsers.

Glad to see the phrase "perverse game" here.  I feel that the right behavior 
for the language is in danger of being sacrificed for an advantage in synthetic 
benchmarks that don't reflect the real-world use cases we should really be 
optimizing for.

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