On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:05, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Given the primary problem is not ASI but its absence where users expect it 
> due to mistakenly believing a newline is significant, one could argue the fix 
> is not to ban ASI and tax everyone with writing lots of insignificant 
> semicolons (in some opt-in mode hardly anyone would use, which would only 
> crud up implementations' parser state spaces).
> One could argue instead that we need *more* newline signfiicance.

Yes.  This is the sanest thing I've read in this thread.

How about this?

"use superasi"


1. /\n\s*[\[\(+*\/-]/ is a syntax error.  (Or should it silently do
ASI here?  Not sure.)
2. /;\s+\n/ is a syntax error. (No extraneous semicolons.)

This would enforce proper use of ASI, and turn off the problems where
statements are confusingly not ended by \n.

(Starting a line with a "." should still be allowed, since that is not
otherwise a valid construction, and thus not easily confused.)

Arguments for:
1. Mostly backwards compatible, except in the case which everyone
seems to agree is a language defect.
2. Prevents the wtfs that are cited as being due to ASI.
3. Encourages developers to know the language they're using.

Arguments against:
1. Ew.  There aren't semicolons there.

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