On Jul 8, 2011, at 7:17 AM, David Herman wrote:

>> The proposal does mention: "All reflective operations that produce a 
>> property name, when reflecting on a private name, produce the name’s .public 
>> property instead of the name itself."
>> Would the same hold for reflective operations that consume property names, 
>> such as handler traps?
> No, they would require the private name object.

I don't think that's what Tom was asking about, though. The proposal may simply 
be unclear in using "produce" instead of "consume" since the proxy mechanism 
does not produce private names in any generative sense when one writes p[q] for 
proxy p and private name q.

Rather, the VM substitutes q.public for q when calling p's handler's relevant 
trap (getOwnPropertyDescriptor, get, ...). So there's no leak, as you note, and 
the owner of q is free to share it with trap implementations that should have 
access to it, so they can compare name == q.public, memoize in q.public in a 
weak map, etc.

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