On Jul 8, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Luke Hoban wrote:

> >>>> I agree wholeheartedly with these.  In fact, I’d go further on (2), and 
> >>>> say “Anything that can be done declaratively can also be done 
> >>>> imperatively, using ES5 syntax”.
> >>The problem here is that some new syntax cannot be faked with old syntax, 
> >>namely function calls, without quoting code in strings. This is not usable.
> I think it’s fine for the imperative solution to be less usable.

I think we need to agree that eval does not count, as Allen just wrote.

That is, if you'd be happy if old script could call, e..g


then we're done.

>   That’s the value-add of opting-in to the ES.next syntax.  And of course 
> some (most) new syntax is just syntax, and the ultimate objects it creates 
> are ones that could have been created using some more complex path.  Those 
> don’t need any library support.  

If eval does count, we're done.

If eval doesn't count, then how pray tell does old code create a generator? Not 
by building an interpreter in JS.

> When Allen mentioned “imperatively”, I assumed he meant “with a library”.  
> I’m not actually sure what other interpretation there would be.   So I sort 
> of expected that clarification to “using ES5 syntax” to be a no-op, though I 
> expect it is practically quite important.

The issue is not "with a library", it is whether the only new APIs in ES.next 
must be Object.uglyNameGoesHere, with string arguments for anything that can't 
be expressed in the old syntax (like yield in a generator).

If we have built-in modules in ES.next, we shouldn't have duplicate 
Object.mumble APIs for them as well (Object is one of those shared-heap objects 
common to old and new scripts loaded against the same global with the default 
module loader).

> >>A second problem is that adding API functions means injecting more names 
> >>into some extant object, probably not the global object. Must all new APIs 
> >>be Object.createPrivateName and only that? We have already 
> >>acceptedproposals that use built-in modules instead, so that there is no 
> >>name pollution.
> I hope, and believe, there are actually not very many new runtime 
> capabilities being added in ES.next that don’t already have proposed 
> libraries.  I do think there will need to be some rationalization of the goal 
> to use built-in modules with the reality of ES5-syntax consumers of these 
> libraries.  I’m not sure whether module loaders currently provide a way to do 
> this that would feel accessible.

That's a good point. If we expose just one property, say


then by my reading of the module loaders proposal, ES5 code can do whatever it 
wants with built-in and other new modules.

Would this be enough for what you're after?

> >>The shared heap imposes some requirements on us, including that old code 
> >>operating using old syntax with known semantics on a new object must not 
> >>behave "badly" (details vary). But this does *not* require that all new 
> >>features, especially those requiring new syntax to be *usable*, must have 
> >>old, string-based, name-pollusting API functions.
> I agree, the shared heap requirement by itself does not impose this.  But I 
> believe the design principle Allen outlined should lead us to this anyway, 
> and the value we’ll offer to the many millions of existing ‘text/javascript’ 
> developers through object-detectable runtime capability additions is a nice 
> bonus J.

Arguing about "Principles" as if they were ironclad law is a good timekiller, 
over which TC39 will fall out of Harmony quickly if we do make the mistake of 
killing too much time.

We need use-cases as well as abstractions like capital-P Principles. We need 
Aristotle as well as Plato 
(http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090513192850AAGmPAH). And we 
need some good taste and judgment in knowing when to ease off on the 


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