On 10.07.2011 22:26, John-David Dalton wrote:
I dig Array.from, and have manually made sugar for that in my projects.
Array.of is something I have also wanted though I had been struggling
with a name for it.

It's interesting -- can you show where and how?

Until now if I wanted to avoid setting the array length I would do
something like ns.Array.from([23]),

What. Is. That. ?

Isn't just [23] is enough?

Guys, I understand we need `Array.from` as a good addition. Note -- it's just the addition to be able use array methods. We though can do it and without it via call and apply since most of array methods are generic.

  but Array.of is nice too ;)

Can maybe you show me a real useful example of Arra.of?

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