On 18 October 2011 17:08, David Bruant <bruan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok for typeof. But there are other places where [[Call]] is used and the
> proxy is expected to (indirectly) expose it. For instance bind:
> -----
> var fpb = Function.prototype.bind;
> var bind = fpb.bind(fpb);
> var p = Proxy.for(function(){}, {}); // purposefully no 'call' trap
> var p2 = bind(p, {}); // ?
> -----
> Here, bind will look for an internal [[Call]] from p. What is it? It cannot
> be the call trap since this one doesn't exist. Fallback to target.[[call]]?
> If target.[[Call]] is a fallback, it means that the internal [[call]] of an
> object can be changed... actually, just changing the call trap makes
> [[call]] dynamic. I'm not sure what are the ramifications of this. For
> instance, when binding a function, should it take the [[call]] value at bind
> call or the dynamic one (current ES5.1 definition says "dynamic", but both
> are equivalent with today's objects)

I don't think the presence of [[Call]] itself is "dynamic". It's
always there, but it checks for the presence of the call trap.

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