On 18 October 2011 17:48, Tom Van Cutsem <tomvc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/10/18 Andreas Rossberg <rossb...@google.com>
>> First, Proxy.startTrapping (a.k.a. Proxy.attach). As far as I can see,
>> this implies a significantly more general 'become' operation than the
>> current semantics. I don't see how we can implement that without
>> substantial (and potentially costly) changes to VMs, like support for
>> transparent forwarding references. I also share Dave's concerns
>> regarding conflation of "non-attachability" and "non-extensibility".
> Your concerns are justified and this is why we need implementors to study
> the strawman. I'm not an implementor, so I have no clue as to the actual
> implementation costs of supporting Proxy.startTrapping. Yes, it is a very
> powerful operation. Not as powerful as Smalltalk's "become", but getting
> close. Since the target would become a "fresh" proxy object, perhaps tricks
> similar to those used to make the old "fix()" behavior work could be used
> (swapping the internals of two objects). I realize this is highly
> VM-specific.

The trick that you can use with the current proposal won't work any
longer. In the current semantics, the only two possible 'become'
transitions are proxy->JSobject and functionproxy->JSfunction. It is
easy to implement 'become' by just overwriting the object itself. All
you need to ensure is that the representation of a proxy is large
enough for the representation of a regular object (and similarly for

Proxy.startTrapping, however, goes the other way, with more general
transitions. To use the same trick one would need to make any object
to which a proxy can be attached at least as large as a proxy (or the
other way round, be able to represent proxies in a way that takes at
most as much space as the smallest object you can attach to). With
some extra work and indirection overhead, we could implement a proxy
object in two words. But that might not be good enough, e.g. when
attaching to foreign ("host") objects or some internal ones.

>> Proxy.stopTrapping worries me, too, especially in combination with
>> attaching. It seems like I could create a proxy p, then later want to
>> deactivate trapping for my handler. But in the meantime, somebody else
>> morphed my p into his own proxy by invoking startTrapping(p). So
>> stopTrapping(p) would deactivate his handler, not mine. So, the
>> proposed interface seems broken to me.
> Good point. Yet another reason why I prefer the alternate Proxy.temporaryFor
> API I sketched in reply to Dave Herman. That API does not necessarily suffer
> from this issue.

Yes, I think that interface, while less slick, is the right one.

>> Finally, I'm not sure I fully understand the performance implications
>> of direct proxies vs the current proposal. From looking at your
>> prototype implementation, it seems that we need quite a number of
>> additional checks and calls, even for non-fixed properties. Can you
>> perhaps quantify that overhead a bit?
> Taken together, lots of checks are needed, but the amount of checks per trap
> is fairly limited. Also, most checks reuse the pathways of existing
> primitives like delete and defineProperty. In the scenario where we are
> wrapping a target object, we're trading one type of overhead for another: in
> the current proxy proposal, say I only want to intercept "gets" on a target
> object. I am still forced to implement a full ForwardingHandler (in JS
> itself), and override only its 'get' trap. All operations other than "get"
> incur an unnecessary overhead: the operation must trap the handler, only to
> have the handler forward the operation anyway (IOW: the operation is lifted
> to the meta-level, only to be lowered to base-level immediately afterward).
> With direct proxies, all traps other than "get" should incur very little
> overhead. I envision that a direct proxy can very efficiently forward an
> operation to the target, no need to lift & lower. On the other hand, now the
> "get" operation will incur an additional check to verify that its reported
> result is consistent with the target object (only if the property was
> previously exposed as non-configurable).
> I'm speculating at this stage, but I assume that the vast majority of
> existing JS code does not use Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, hence has no
> way of determining whether a property is non-configurable, hence does not
> activate the more expensive checks. The overhead then is mostly checking
> whether the corresponding target object's property is non-configurable.
> In any case, I'm not sure that performing micro-benchmarks on my
> DirectProxies.js prototype implementation will generate useful results: I
> think it's too dependent on the current proxy implementation, and moreover
> I'm sure that many of my checks can be done _way_ more efficiently at the
> VM-level. For instance, to test whether a target property is
> non-configurable, I check Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target,
> name).configurable. In a VM I presume this can be made considerably more
> efficient. No need to allocate a property descriptor just to test
> configurability, for a start.

Thanks for the summary, that is helpful.

I agree that lots of these checks will be far more efficient when
implemented in a VM.

[Sorry, have to run now.]

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