On Oct 26, 2011, at 5:02 PM, Michael Dyck wrote:

>>> (I ask because, in my spare time, I'm developing a process that massages
>>> the ES spec into an executable/testable form. So I wonder if I'm
>>> duplicating existing work.)
>> Interesting -- you are writing an interpreter?
> Yes, but not an interpreter for ES, rather an interpreter (more or less)
> for ES-spec-ese, the ad hoc notation that the ES spec's algorithms are
> written in.

Right, our Visual Cobol, as it were ;-).

> So then if you feed the ES spec to *that* interpreter, you
> do get an interpreter for ES. That's the idea, anyhow. It works, but so
> far only for really simple programs.

This could indeed satisfy the goal! Great to hear you are working on it. How is 
it going?

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