On 08/11/11 19:19, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
I see two domains for the concept of “own” properties:
1. Meta-programming.
Could you expand on the use of `own' properties for meta-programming? I'm afraid I can't really envision it =/

2. Using objects as dictionaries.

Isn’t #2 the majority (at least as far as non-library-programmers are concerned)? Will the concept become less relevant once we have David Herman’s dicts?
I would think most of the cases where objects are used as dicts would be solved by using `Object.create(null)', today on ES5-compliant engines. Except for the nasty, nasty `__proto__' on engines that use that magic, but then you can proxy property access/assignment. It's quite ad-hoc, but works.

The dicts proposal looks nice though.

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