On Mar 22, 2012, at 4:55 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

> One point that I haven't seen mentioned yet (and it is unrelated to syntax): 
> "export call" makes me cringe -- making modules callable is not just weird, 
> it seems completely future-hostile to the possibility of having parameterized 
> modules. I don't think it is worth bending the notion of module like that if 
> all that is gained is minor convenience.

Making modules callable has serious semantic warts as well. In order to support 
static binding, we have to ensure that the properties of a module instance 
object are statically known, which means that there can't be a mutable 
prototype in the prototype chain. But to support the expected 
.bind/.call/.apply methods of functions, that means we have to a) pollute 
callable modules with these extra inherited properties and b) freeze the 
prototype. This is all pretty ad hoc and unsatisfying.

I would also be in favor of holding the line against callable modules, but a 
number of people have stated that they consider them very important. One of the 
going examples has been jQuery, where you would say:

    // jquery.js
    export call(selector) { ... }

    // client
    import "jquery.js" as $; /*OR*/ module $ = "jquery.js" /*OR*/ module $ at 
"jquery.js" /*OR*/ import $ at "jquery.js"

    let elements = ["foo", "bar", "baz"].map($); // implicitly calls .call

That said, it requires no more code to say:

    // jquery.js
    export function $(selector) { ... }

    // client
    import $ from "jquery.js";

    let elements = ["foo", "bar", "baz"].map($);

So maybe people have over-sold the importance of callable modules. In CommonJS 
+ ES5, it's convenient because there's no way to avoid binding a name to the 
module. Whereas if you have destructuring and destructuring import, a module 
with a single export does not need to be any less convenient than a module that 
is itself the single export.



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