Just adding an implementers point of view:
Adding a new keyword/annotation is risky and/or complicates language semantics 
-- we don't want to break existing code, so new keywords are hard, likewise 
context dependent keywords can be tricksy: "f = function pure(){}" means what?

Assuming that there is an annotation that says a function is pure, runtime 
enforcement becomes either very expensive very quickly (possibly tending 
towards the halting problem in the general case), or can randomly throw 
exceptions.  Your sum function is a trivial case:
   function sum(a,b) { return a + b } // I'm pure!!!!

 We want to ensure sum has no side effects so we either typecheck on entry to 
ensure we will not need make a function call for the a and b typeconversions, 
or we throw on the first attempt to make a typeconversion (the exception will 
occur before any side effects, so you're still "safe" just annoyed).

But what about:
function bizzaroSum(a, b) {
while (a.b) a = a .b;
return a + b;

An ahead of time type check has unbounded time complexity, so there is no 
reason to not just execute and throw on a side effecting operation.

(Also what if a.b is a getter that simply returns 1 - does that count as a side 
effect because of the implied call, or does it not? after all there's not 
actually any side effect here)

So the only efficient way of dealing with a "pure" function is to run the code 
and perform type checks as you go to ensure that no calls are happening.

This gets us to _almost_ the level of performance modern JS engines are already 
getting, without having any concept of "pure".  If your code is doing sensible 
things, and the types are consistent every supposed gain you get from "purity" 
is already there.

But your purity constraints means no side-effects, no general case calls, 
neither of these limits is helpful to modern JS engines as they will happily 
inline functions anyway regardless of purity, and will just do a stack rewrite 
and fallback to general code if their assumptions turn out to be false.

As an aside, the performance issues JSC at least has with map, reduce, etc is 
VM re-entry.  For us that's a much more significant performance problem than 
code gen quality.


On Nov 28, 2012, at 9:45 AM, David Bruant <bruan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Le 28/11/2012 18:19, Claus Reinke a écrit :
>>>> With many new functional programming possibilities (like map, reduce, 
>>>> filter, lambdas) there are many scenarios where the implementer should use 
>>>> pure (or as I renamed it in another reply, side-effect-free) functions.
>>> Why "should"? What is the problem if people don't?
>> In the non-sequential versions, side-effect-free operators
>> give more flexibility in scheduling, eg, splitting an array
>> into sub-arrays, running partial loops on separate processors,
>> then combine the results.
> I agree, but it's far from being applicable in JS apparently (I see you agree 
> later in your response). I suggested this as my very first Bugzilla bug. I 
> encourage to read the comments: 
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=593706
> David
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