Le 19/12/2012 14:38, Tom Van Cutsem a écrit :
I too find the solution of non-configurable data properties masquerading as configurable data properties bothersome. We have a mechanism in place for describing the behavior of ES5 properties, yet here is a case where we can't be honest about a property's real behavior. That smells.
That smell is partially a consequence of configurable being overloaded. At the same times, configurable:false means "the property can't disappear" and "applying the 'delete' operator fails" as a corrolary. We're in a case (WindowProxy) where we want the property to disappear, but 'delete' to fail.

The issue seems to be that there are two "access rights" to this data property: external clients are only allowed to read, but not write to the property (that is why it should really be reflected to clients as non-configurable). Some privileged code, however, is allowed to write to the property (that is why we cannot really make it non-configurable).

Implementing these access rights is easy to achieve using an accessor property, so it seems logical to turn this property into an accessor.

Why can't we make it a non-configurable accessor property? I don't understand the leak described by David in the OP.
The leak is very specific to the WindowProxy case

    // # Inside an iframe
var locationPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'location');
    assert(locationPropDesc.configurable ===  false);
    // 'false' is the current WebIDL definition of [Unforgeable] properties
// but consensus seems to be that WindowProxy [Unforgeables] would be 'true'

    var locationGetter = locationPropDesc.get;
    locationGetter.cap = whatever;

    // # Outside the iframe
    var win = iframe.contentWindow;
    var cap = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(win, 'location').get.cap;

    iframe.src = "somewhere else";

    // # inside the iframe *after* the navigation
var locationPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'location');
    assert(locationPropDesc.configurable ===  false);

    var locationGetterInsideIframe = locationPropDesc.get;

The part where it gets tricky is here. If window.location is indeed non-configurable and getter identity is preserved (observable from outside the iframe), then locationGetterInsideIframe has a property "cap" which value comes from the previous browsing context in the iframe. That's the leak. We have 2 browsing contexts able to exchange capabilities why they probably shouldn't. I don't know if it's a bad or dangerous leak, but it looks very fishy.

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