Also note that none of these properties are currently accessors so no one
has come to rely on being able to extract their getters. So introducing
them with neutered accessors would not have an impact on existing code.

On Wednesday, December 19, 2012, Brandon Benvie wrote:

> It only has to be a handful of accessors, no? I was thinking basically of
> just the few things on the global object that need this treatment.
> location, document, window, navigator, maybe a few others? And location is
> the only one with a setter, so we're mostly just talking about getters on
> the global object. Since it's the global object, you could just call the
> getter directly and `this` will implicitly be the correct receiver when
> called inside the context. So the remaining situations in which it's
> difficult are in the parent frame when you want to do this one of the
> handful of properties that have this treatment.
> An option that might have uses in other places as well is a kind of
> primitive version of call, bind, and apply that have the null prototype,
> frozen treatment. They could be singletons over the entire runtime, across
> realms, and be attached to any function in any realm (including these
> accessors) without leaking anything.
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