On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Kevin Smith <khs4...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry, I should have expanded further - that was my point. Node is a case
>> where I can see classes being used without modules. I imagine native class
>> support will hit v8 soon enough, and I could see people start using them
>> without trying to switch to ES6 modules.
> Ah - true.  They can put a "use strict" at the top if they want that.
>  Honestly, though, won't Node users be the first to start coding in ES6
> modules?

I guess we'll see soon enough, but I think there's still going to be a big
battle between ES6 modules and node modules and amd/requireJS. Any early
adopter types have already probably invested in something, and because the
porting isn't always straightforward, I think many will stick with what
they've got for a while. I'd honestly really like to start using ES6
modules soon, but I'm still racking my brain for the right way to do it,
because there are a lot of features I've built that are not compatible.

- Russ

> { Kevin }
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