Herby Vojčík wrote:
This does not address the problem for destructuring. It's true a Nil
object (as Brandon Benvie prototyped:
https://github.com/Benvie/nil/blob/master/nil.js) can be deeply

That is what I meant.

Thought so ;-).

But there is no refutable match future. We need an

I don't understand. :-/

We want a way to match with patterns like so:

  match (expr) {
    case {must, may?} => ...
    case {always} => ...

In other words, the ? must go in the LHS pattern language, not on the RHS of a destructuring binding or assignment expression.

missing semicolons. You get another case where programmers expect ASI
but there's no error to correct:

x = y?

where z is label and w is a statement that can syntactically (if not
sensibly) be labeled.

... or whatever other syntax. It's about Null Pattern idea, not the actual syntax.

Ok, but we need a concrete syntax that works if we want anything like CoffeeScript's suffix-? operator. And I agree suffix-? is attractive. But it seems like a non-starter based on the use of ? in ?: and : in labeled statements. Perhaps there's a tweak that saves this concrete syntax, though?

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