Brendan Eich wrote:
Yes, I already agreed (three times :-|) that nil rescues ?. from the condemnation ARB heaped on the CoffeeScript semantics.

That's not relevant to what we were just arguing about though: whether nil rather than undefined should be an observable result of either destructuring or (you seemed to say just above) property gets on plain old objects!

Apologies, I did not make the full idea clear:

You want nil in the language and observable via desugaring

  o.?p.q  ==> (o.p == null ? nil : o.p).q

without re-evaluating o.p of course (and using the syntax you showed). Furthermore, in the case where o.p == null, the result is nil.q which is nil.

(Please correct me if I am wrong on any of this! Appreciate the discussion here.)

What I would like to do: spec ?. without exposing nil. Perhaps this is not possible but I think it is, since we can make the definite semantics for o.?p.q or whatever syntax we want (I advocate o.p?.q) do a final censoring act that converts nil back to undefined.

You could be right that we want nil and ?. together -- no way to decouple risk. I'm not seeing that argument yet. People want ?. yesterday, nil not so much (see twitter).


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