[Trimming overcited top text.]

Herby Vojčík wrote:
Confusion. Let me write it out to be sure we are talking about the same

let r = {p: {s: 42}}.p.q;
binds nil to r? That's not backward compatible.

Sorry, I did wrote it so it could lead to confusion.
Let me try to explain better.

    (1)    let {p: {q?: r}} = {p: {s: 42}};
        // me: r = Nil, you: ???, probably undefined

Yes. For the reason I gave: destructuring in ES6 cannot depend on Nil, but I argue should include irrefutable opt-in via suffix-?.

    (2)    let r = {p: {s: 42}}.p.q?;
        // me: r = Nil, you: ???, probably undefined

Yes, undefined. For the reason I gave, not coupling too much among ES7 or later straw proposals.

    (3)    let {p: {q: r}} = {p: {s: 42}};
        // r = undefined (of course)

No issue, great.

    (4)    let r = {p: {s: 42}}.p.q;
        // r = undefined (of course)

No issue, great. Whew!

You compared (1) to (4). I would it is comparing apples to oranges, and that (1) and (2) or (3) and (4) should be compared.

Apologies, on re-reading I see I misread your trailing '?' after 'q' in

 You meant let r = {p: {s: 42}}.p.q?, didn't you?

That's not relevant to what we were just arguing about though: whether
nil rather than undefined should be an observable result of either

Now I am confused.
For (p.q?).r to be same as p.q?.r, (p.q?) must return reified Nil, not undefined. I was at the impression you say "Nil at the background, but whenever it becomes observable, it should be changed to undefined". That means p.q? returns undefined, and (p.q?).r fails.

Obviously I don't want these different parenthesizations to fail. I believe we can spec the semantics such that InternalNil, just like ES1-6's Reference type, is not observable.

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