This is definitely the case. Recent performance guidance from V8
developers strongly discouraged the use of 'delete' so I've gone to
some lengths to avoid using it in my own code, mostly through design
(trying to avoid scenarios that require the deletion of attributes).
If this guidance isn't accurate anymore, I certainly never heard about
it. Then again engine developers have said that they intentionally
avoid publishing performance guidance since people continue to follow
it after it becomes outdated - so I guess this is just support for
that policy. :/

Anyway! I spent an hour or so building a simplified real-world
benchmark for Object.freeze, by modifying a HTML5 game port to use
Object.freeze at construction time for its immutable structured
objects. These objects are basically simple tuples of integers/floats
that are frequently constructed and passed around - think a Vector2 or
Point data structure, etc.

This file has detailed timings from the latest versions of Chrome
Canary and Firefox Nightly with the Object.freeze call disabled and
enabled, respectively, along with a URL you can hit to run it

I'm pleased to report that Object.freeze does not seem to cause an
enormous performance hit in v8 anymore. Hooray! Unfortunately, the
call to Object.freeze itself shows up as a bottleneck in V8 profiles,
and the 'freeze enabled' version is slower in both versions (though at
least only slightly slower). So, I guess you could start using freeze
in applications now if your users are all on latest FF/Chrome, and
hope that in the future it will actually make you faster.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions (though if they're
questions about the benchmark, maybe don't spam es-discuss with them
:) )


On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Herby Vojčík <> wrote:
> Andreas Rossberg wrote:
>> On 14 February 2013 19:26, Herby Vojčík<>  wrote:
>>> I meant "de facto". People wanting to remove property bar from foo do not
>>> write `delete` anymore; they (at least some significant subset)
>>> have
>>> learned to write ` = null;` or ` = undefined;`. The reason
>>> is
>>> perf - `delete` deoptimized hidden classes.
>> And with ES6, those people will hopefully realise that for those
>> cases, using a Map is a cleaner alternative anyway.
> No, it is another scenario. If an object is used as a Map, it should degrade
> to HashMap, it's ok.
> The problem is proliferation of ` = null` in "normal" code, where
> sometimes you want to remove some property (maybe it was an expando, or it
> is realy not needed any more in the actual phases of the lifecycle). In such
> cases, doing `delete` would degrade your optimized instance into a Hash.
> Thus, people do ` = null` even if what they want to do is `delete
>> /Andreas
> Herby
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