On 4/4/2013 11:52 AM, David Bruant wrote:
"The /name/ property is initialized with the best value given static semantics" => I think all the rules should be explicitly laid out (i think that's what you did in the subsections after this sentence) to avoid implementation-specific interpretations of this sentence. Some previous work [1] could be considered as finding "the best value given static semantics". Also, "given static semantics" is a fluctuating definition since the result can change when new syntax is added.

Yeah, the purpose of that paragraph is to intro the following content, not stand alone. I agree that it could be improved and clarified; a better phrasing might be "given the following static semantics...". The set of rules used to name functions should not (and I don't think it does) leave any room open to interpretation by implementers.

[1] http://johnjbarton.github.com/nonymous/index.htm

This is good stuff but I would argue that it's not naming the function. It's providing a path or description of its origin, suited for debugging rather than naming. For example:

    class Set {
      add(item){ /***/ }

I would argue that the best name for the method is "add" while the path/origin of it might be "Set#add". They are orthogonal in my opinion, and "name" is much simpler to specify.
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