On 7/29/2013 4:04 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
Regarding realm associations? What is the rationale for making the typeof binding per realm? I would expect the people would want (at least operator associated) value object instances to be freely used across realms, just like numbers, strings, and booleans are.

Why would you expect methods attached to prototypes to be cross-realm? They wouldn't be even for double-dispatch, in this sense: you would not know which "@@ADD" or (Python) "__add__" you were calling across a realm. In an OOP sense this works, but for dyadic operators as Chambers, et al. argue, it's wrong. The multimethod approach fits the problem precisely, but only same-realm or (if cross-realm) only if you load the same value object extension in both realms.

All methods have realm dependencies. If you are assuming built-in status means string primitives get the same indexOf, e.g., even that can be monkeypatched to diverge cross-realm.

And I don't think you have mentioned anything about defineOperator creating realm specific operator bindings.

You missed the point Luke made at the meeting: see the v + u operator semantics slide, where p intersect q is based on function object indentity, and functions are realm-specific without extra work (e.g., loading a value object extension once in an iframe and ensuring all instances come from that iframe -- artificial, contrived!).

   So, I would expect that in:
    x + 1
the value of x may be (for example) a decimal number defined in a different realm and that the + gets appropriately dispatched to do a Decimal+Number add operation.

Which one, though? However the dispatch works, methods on prototypes are per-realm.

For value objects, I think it would be problematic if `1m + iframeEval('1m')` or `1m === iframeEval('1m')` didn't work. It would also be a shame if my user-overloaded `new Point(0, 0) + iframeEval('[5, 5]')` didn't work.

Potential solution for builtin value objects: all realms actually shared the same value object constructor and prototype and these are deeply frozen from a null realm to prohibit side channels.

Potential solution for user defined operator overloading: `defineOperator` could also take a string for any of the builtin classes that allowed it to work cross realm:

    defineOperator('+', addPointAndArray, Point, 'Array')

Bonus points if it works with a class extending any realm's builtin, like `class MyArray extends iframeEval('Array') {}`.
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