On Oct 18, 2013, at 10:53 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

> On 19 Oct 2013, at 01:12, "Mathias Bynens" <math...@qiwi.be> wrote:
>> `String.prototype.codePointAt` or `String.prototype.at` come in handy in 
>> case you only need to get the first code point or symbol in a string, for 
>> example.
> Are they useful for anything else, though? For example, if I wanted to get 
> the second symbol in a string, how would I do that?

We discussed the utility of 'codePointAt' in the context of Norbert's full 
Unicode support proposal.  At that time we concluded that it was something we 
needed.  I don't see any new evidence  that suggests that we need to reopen 
that decision at this point in the process.

The utility of a hypothetical 'at' method is presumably exactly that of 

would just be a convenience  for expressing

So the real question is probably, how common is that  use case.
It's relatively easy using 'at'  do a for loop over the characters of a string 
using 'at'. Something like:

let c = '';
for (let p=0; p<str.length; p+=c.length) {
   c = str.at(p);

although, a for-of would be better in most cases:
   for (let c of str)

The use case that we don't support well is any sort of back wards iteration of 
the characters of a string. We don't current have an iterator specified to do 
it, nor do we have a one stop way to test whether we at looking at the trailing 
surrogate of a surrogate pair.


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