If we're going to have convenience multiples of PI, they should be a)
non-ideological, and b) include more than one (PI/2 comes up a lot in
vector math, for example).

Why not have:

Math.DPI //double pi
Math.HPI //half pi

Or perhaps we should just let people define their own constants.  This does
seem a bit silly.


On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Rick Waldron <waldron.r...@gmail.com>

> On Monday, June 30, 2014, Frankie Bagnardi <f.bagna...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> String.prototype.endsWith and Object.is are functions, and their JS
>> implementations are nontrivial to memorize and type (although not the worst
>> examples).  Memorizing PI to more than a few digits is nontrivial.  Same
>> with Math.E, or Math.atan2, or most of the other Math functions and
>> properties.
>> Remembering that PI*2 is TAO is required to even make use of it,
>> unless/until mathematicians, books, and wikipedia start using TAO where 2
>> PI is currently used, you have to convert them.  So if you decide to used
>> it, you already know the definition.  The alternative to other things in
>> JavaScript (for the most part) spending time researching how to implement
>> it, comparing existing implementations, or having to look up a constant
>> value (e.g. 3.141592653589793).
>> Seems a little silly, and I'd rather see some of the use cases for it end
>> up on Math if anything.
> I'm sorry that no one corrected you in your previous post, but "tao" is a
> Chinese term for "the way" or "the path". Tau is a letter in the Greek
> alphabet—they are not related in anyway whatsoever.
> Rick
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