Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 11:59 PM, Brendan Eich<>  wrote:
>  This doesn't mean strict mode failed. It does mean no-mo'-modes.

Except for modules? (As they definitely require a mode switch
(<module>  instead of<script>). Perhaps at a higher-level than
JavaScript, but that seems immaterial.)

That's not a "mode" or "mode switch". A mode is a cross-cutting change of state, both compile- and run-time. New syntax having new static (compile-time) semantics doesn't make a mode in the sense everyone decries when asking for no-mo-modes.

It's true hanging too much static-only modality on new syntax can make "micro-modes", especially if the effects apply to a wider part of the grammar than just the bit of new syntax. This was used to argue against, e.g., new syntax in one parameter of a function's parameter list changing the semantics of the whole function.

While "mode" is not well-defined, you know it when you smell it. Stricter strict mode smells. That's the point here.

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