Please show an example of the code you're using __proto__ in.
I'm sure it can be rewritten with Object.setPrototypeOf.
23.09.2014, 01:46, "Jasper St. Pierre" <>:
I have used __proto__ simply because it allows for a feature nothing else has: to change the [[Prototype]] of a callable / constructor.

This isn't the same as "with" or other backward-compatibility hacks. It's a feature that I need to fake out some other code that uses "instanceof" and also be callable.

If there's a better way to do this, please let me know.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Benjamin Grurnbaum <> wrote:
My point was that I don't believe that putting the standard library in modules would help with people using the current library. Even in 5 years.

I mentioned __proto__ as an example for something that didn't go away although it wasn't supported by a major browser and wasn't specced (to the point it got specced). I don't think 'with' is going anywhere soon either. The "fresh copy" argument sounds good though.

> On 23 בספט׳ 2014, at 00:07, Brendan Eich <> wrote:
> Not deprecated -- any reason you brought it up in the context of 'with'?
> /be
> John Barton wrote:
>> Is __proto__ deprecated by TC39? The spec says otherwise.
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