Who is failing to do what now? :-/


John Barton wrote:
This same claim could be made about every item in ECMAScript. Implementation variation in ModuleSpecifiers is no different from variation in the allowed keywords, character set, or really anything a developer types. Failing to specify this aspect of the language makes no sense to this developer at least.

On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 7:30 PM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.org <mailto:bren...@mozilla.org>> wrote:

    Browsers in any semi-competitive market will agree on a standard.
    I don't see why that needs to be called into doubt, even as part
    of a "hypothetical future" :-|. (Is there another kind? :-P)


    Domenic Denicola wrote:

        Yes, in theory. However, browsers are more likely to wait
        until there’s a standard for browser module loaders before
        shipping modules, in order to avoid such divergent behavior.

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