On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Mark Miller <erig...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't understand your answer. p and r are plain promises. They must be
> because they exist before q does. q is the first remote promise in this
> scenario. How does resolving r to q leave r unsettled but give q access to
> the messages buffered (and to be buffered) in r?

const r = p.then(() => q); // q is a RemoteObjectPromise
I don't see any problem here.  Perhaps you should work through the logic in
`Promise#then` yourself to see that this works.  Or play with the following
in babel:
// babel doesn't implement this correctly:
class RemotePromise extends Promise {
  static get [Symbol.species]() { return Promise; }
// -- so we need to do this: --
let RemotePromise = function(f) {
  let p = new Promise(f);
  Object.setPrototypeOf(p, RemotePromise.prototype);
  return p;
Object.setPrototypeOf(RemotePromise, Promise);
Object.defineProperty(RemotePromise, Symbol.species, {
  get: function() { return Promise; }
RemotePromise.prototype = Object.create(Promise.prototype);
RemotePromise.prototype.constructor = RemotePromise;
// -- end crazy babel workaround --

let q = RemotePromise.resolve(42); // cheat, this would be the result of an
RPC call
let p = Promise.resolve({}); // local promise
const r = p.then(() => q); // q is a RemoteObjectPromise

r.then(function() {
  // show that this works properly!
  console.log(q instanceof RemotePromise, p instanceof RemotePromise, r
instanceof RemotePromise);

I think where you are surprised is because (in this model) p.then() is
implicitly requesting a *local* computation.  Even though `() => q` in your
sample code *looks* like a no-op, because q is a RemoteObjectPromise and p
is not, you are explicitly requesting that the result of `q` be transferred
to the local client so it can be operated on locally.  If you want to
continue doing remote computation, you need to use the "remote computation"
methods (get/post/delete/call/etc) which keep the result on the remote
server (and all of which yield a RemoteObjectPromise, not a Promise).

This may differ from the E model (I don't know), but it makes good sense to
me.  You can't expect to do arbitrary computation inside a `then` unless
the result has been transferred to the local client.
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