On Jun 13, 2015, at 4:16 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

> On Jun 13, 2015, at 1:18 PM, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
>> To throw some more paint on the bikeshed:
>> The "instanceof RegExp" and "RegExp(...)" parts of the "perfect" 
>> implementation of `RegExp.tag` should also be fixed to play nicely with 
>> species.
>> I think Allen and I would say that you should *not* use the species pattern 
>> for instantiating the new regexp (because this is a factory), but you should 
>> be doing `new this(...)` to create the result, instead of `RegExp(...)`.  
>> (Domenic might disagree, but this is the pattern the ES6 spec is currently 
>> consistent with.)

Err- - Absolutely
> Absolute, `new this(...)` is a pattern that everyone who whats to create 
> inheritable "static" factory methods needs to learn.  It's how such a factory 
> says: I need to create an instance of the constructor I was invoked upon.
> `species` is very different.  It is how an instance method says: I need to 
> create an new instance that is similar to this instance, but lack its 
> specialized behavior.
>> The `instanceof RegExp` test might also be reviewed.  It might be okay, but 
>> perhaps you want to invoke a `toRegExp` method instead, or just look at 
>> `source`, so that we used duck typing instead of a fixed inheritance chain.  
>> You could even define `String#toRegExp` and have that handle proper 
>> escaping.  This pattern might not play as nicely with subtyping, though, so 
>> perhaps using `this.escape(string)` (returning an instance of `this`) is in 
>> fact preferable.  Everything other than a string might be passed through 
>> `new this(somethingelse).source` which could cast it from a "base RegExp" to 
>> a subclass as necessary. You could handle whatever conversions are necessary 
>> in the constructor for your subclass.
> Originally, ES6 had a @@isRegExp property that was used to brand objects that 
> could be used in context's where RegExp instances were expected. It was used 
> by methods like String.prototype.match/split/search/replace to determine if 
> the "pattern" argument was an "regular expression"  rather than a string.  
> Latter @@isRegExp was eliminated and replaced with @@match, @@search, 
> @@split, and @@replace because we realized that the corresponding methods 
> didn't depend upon the full generality of regular expressions, but only upon 
> the more specific behaviors.  When we did that, we also decided that we would 
> use the present of @@match a property as the brand to identify regular 
> expression like objects.  This is captured in the ES6 spec. by the IsRegExp 
> abstract operation 
> http://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-isregexp which is 
> used at several places within the ES6 spec.
> So, the property ES6 way to do a cross-realm friendly check for RegExp like 
> behavior is  to check for the existence of a property whose key is 
> Symbol.match
>> If we did want to use the species pattern, the best way (IMO) would be to 
>> expose the fundamental alternation/concatenation/etc operators.  For 
>> example, `RegExp.prototype.concat(x)` would use the species pattern to 
>> produce a result, and would also handle escaping `x` if it was a string.  
>> The set of instance methods needed is large but not *too* large: `concat`, 
>> `alt`, `mult`, and `group` (with options) might be sufficient.
> yes.
> Again, the key difference is whether we are talking about a request to a 
> constructor object or a request to an instance object.
> MyArraySubclass.of(1,2,3,4)    //I expect to get an instance of 
> MyArraySubclass, not of Array or some other Array-like species
> aMyArraySubclassObject.map(from=>f(from))  //I expect to get something with 
> Array behavior but it may not be an instance of MyArraySubclass
> Allen
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