Hey Kyle

True for `continue` and `break`, but maybe it’s about time we stop using these 
archaic control structures anyway :)

As for `return` I don’t see what’s the problem if you return your value inside 
the IIFE as well.


> On Jun 20, 2015, at 10:10 PM, Kyle Simpson <get...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just to wrap this thread up, quoting myself from another thread:
> "In any case, I won't push my proposal anymore."
> ----
> But for posterity sake, wanted to make one last comment as to why the various 
> suggestions for IIFE's and arrow expressions are inappropriate for the task: 
> they change (hijack) the behavior of `return`, `break`, and `continue`. A 
> standalone block like `{ let x = 2; .. }` or `let (x = 2) { .. }` can be 
> placed anywhere, inside a function, loop, etc, and not hijack these types of 
> statements.
> I'll be sticking with:
> ```js
> { let x = 42;
>    console.log("The meaning of JS: ", x);
> }
> ```
> Appreciate the various thoughtful responses.
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