I feel like this would just get confused with object destructuring.
On Jun 25, 2015 5:17 PM, "Herby Vojčík" <he...@mailbox.sk> wrote:

> Hello!
> Though this is a kind of syntax is probably macroable, interesting idea
> appeared in my mind regarding let blocks, so I would show it here, maybe it
> can actually be interesting for others as well.
> The idea is to use existing let statement and extending it so one can
> include { ... code ... } block in place of last assignment. Hold on for a
> while: this form can merge with do-expressions by using 'let', not 'do' as
> the keyword:
>   let a = 4, b = 3; // normal let
>   let { throw new Error("Throw in an expression"); } // let-expression
>   let a = 4, b = 3, { a + b } // let-expression with own local lets
> The third form is more or less the let-block from the PoV of reader, even
> if in fact is a new do-expression using let keyword with some let-assigment
> local to that block happening before.
> I see a 'problem' that I can only distinguish if it is a let-statement or
> let-expression at the end of it, but afaict it does not pose any real
> gotchas for the compiler - it accumulates the assignment and at the either
> make them let-statement and use them for the rest of enclosing block or
> makes it let-expression and use them only locally.
> Herby
> Kyle Simpson wrote:
>> Just to wrap this thread up, quoting myself from another thread:
>> "In any case, I won't push my proposal anymore."
>> ----
>> But for posterity sake, wanted to make one last comment as to why the
>> various suggestions for IIFE's and arrow expressions are inappropriate for
>> the task: they change (hijack) the behavior of `return`, `break`, and
>> `continue`. A standalone block like `{ let x = 2; .. }` or `let (x = 2) {
>> .. }` can be placed anywhere, inside a function, loop, etc, and not hijack
>> these types of statements.
>> I'll be sticking with:
>> ```js
>> { let x = 42;
>>      console.log("The meaning of JS: ", x);
>> }
>> ```
>> Appreciate the various thoughtful responses.
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