> ```js
> class Derived extends Base {
>   constructor(...args) {
>     super(a, b, c);
>     doInitCode(this, ...args);
>   }
> }
> ```
> via a function
> ```js
> function makeDerived(...args) {
>   const o = Reflect.construct(Base, [a, b, c], Derived);
>   doInitCode(o, ...args);
>   return o;
> }
> ```

That's still theoretically possible, because new.target (Derived in this
case) carries with in the list of slots that must be allocated.  Once we
"super up" to the root constructor, the allocator gets that list from

But as I understand it, the difficulty for HTML element subsclassing is
that you don't event know what "Derived" might be until sometime later.
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