On 7/2/15 12:18 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:
    I actually do have a related question, though.  In the private state
    proposals we're talking about, how would it be observable whether the
    private slots the class defines are in fact allocated as part of the
    object's allocation or separately?

Not sure I understand the question.  If the internal shape is fixed from
birth (allocation-time), there is no way to allocate private slots

Ah, I see. So what's observable is not whether things are a contiguous chunk of memory or whatnot but rather whether the slots exist. And a proposed invariant is that the slots, once observed to exist or not cannot change that state. Is my understanding correct now?

Are you suggesting that the DOM could define some magic way to
dynamically allocate private slots and supposedly hide that fact from
the user?

Not suggesting anything yet; just trying to understand the constraints we have here.

As a matter of implementation, it would probably be possible to implement private slots in the spec sense in a way that can be dynamically added to existing objects. But that's not the externally visible behavior being proposed for private slots, which makes sense.

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