What I'd really like to have in the language is the ability to store a
property access into a single binding:

let someObj = { doStuff(){} };

let doStuff = #someObj.doStuff;

Treated as:
let someObj = { doStuff(){} };

- works with any property access
- could help simplify some existing code bases:
- for functions it would allow call/apply or bind to still work if needed

Now I realize this feature is more than syntactic sugar and would have to
work more like expression pointers but I can't see how the machinery of
this would need to be that much different than something like module

- Matthew Robb

On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 11:02 AM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.org> wrote:

> You're counting on the property assignment being moved into the
> constructor, where `this` is bound. In a class body in ES6 (without
> property assignment extension), especially in the top level where method
> defintiions go, `this` isn't obviously bound to the newly constructed
> instance.
> Ok, that's kind of a nit, or an observation. No worries.
> Bigger question is what we want: method per instance allocation cost,
> which what you did imposes? Or something that can be more efficiently
> implemented, such as what Strong/SoundScript proposes (last I looked). The
> latter is what Java and C++ do. Then the trick is enabling first-class
> function extraction from method, which is a pay-for-what-you-ask-for
> alternative to allocation per method per constructed instance.
> /be
> Matthew Robb wrote:
>> Are there any proposals or any discussions around solving the problem of
>> instance bound class methods with some sugar?
>> There are examples of people doing things like this:
>> https://github.com/reactjs/react-future/blob/master/01%20-%20Core/01%20-%20Classes.js#L31
>> My proposal would be to extend method shorthand syntax to support the
>> arrow:
>> ```
>> class A extends React.Component {
>>   handleClick(event)=> {
>>      ...
>>   }
>> }
>> ```
>> Which would be sugar for:
>> ```
>> class A extends React.Component {
>>   handleClick = (event)=> {
>>      ...
>>   }
>> }
>> ```
>> - Matthew Robb
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