On 08/27/2015 11:20 AM, Ethan Resnick wrote:
Long-time esdiscuss lurker; hopefully this perspective is helpful.

I think the problem here is that traditional mathematic notation uses visual cues to imply precedence that JS can't take advantage of. When -3 ** 2 is written out on paper, the 2 is very clearly grouped visually with the 3. In fact, the superscript almost makes the 2 feel like an appendage of the 3. That makes it more natural to read it as two items: the negative sign, and (3 ** 2).

By contrast, when (-3 ** 2) is written out in code, the negative sign is way closer visually to the 3 than the 2 is, so I find myself instinctively pulling out a "-3" first and reading the expression as (-3)**2.

If we're making ** bind tighter than unary -, then I would hope it would be written -3**2, not -3 ** 2. The latter is indeed deceptive.

For me, x**y**z is rare enough that I don't really care if ** is right associative or nonassociative. Parentheses are part of the cost you have to pay for rendering things as plain text -- and yet, I see no reason not to make x**y**z just do the right thing.

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