
> Can you point me some example where not distinguishing between functions
and classes would be fatal, please?

the fact a class throws once invoked like a function isn't enough fatal to

function invokeThat() {
  var result = Object.create(this.prototype);
  return this.apply(result, arguments) || result;

invokeThat.call(function sum(a, b) { return a + b; }, 1, 2); // 3

invokeThat.call(class Point{constructor(x,y){this.x=x;this.y=y;}}, 10,  15);
// Uncaught TypeError: Class constructors cannot be invoked without 'new'(…)

We are missing a `Reflection.isClass` ... useful or not, we've got two kind
of "invokables" and nobody can distinguish from them.


On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 10:56 AM, Salvador de la Puente González <
sa...@unoyunodiez.com> wrote:

> Hi Andrea.
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 10:34 PM, Andrea Giammarchi <
> andrea.giammar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> which one is true?
>> > I think there is no ambiguity at all ... decorating a function should
>> be like decorating a class
>> 'cause I think those are very different things.
> As far as I know, classes in ES6, apart from preventing you from calling
> without `new` (and minor subclassing details), are identical to functions.
>> You gonna wrap for sure the first one, you most likely ever even bother
>> replacing the class, rather enriching its prototype or its public statics.
> Well, is not as sure you want to wrap a function at all. Suppose:
> ```
> // operaations.js
> @priority(2)
> function taskA() { doSomething(); }
> @priority(1)
> function taskB() { doSomething(); }
> @priority(5)
> function taskC() { doSomething(); }
> taskManager.register(taskA, taskB, taskC);
> taskManager.run(); // run taking into account priority symbol of the
> functions
> // taskManager.js
> var priority = new Symbol();
> function priority(p) {
>   return function(target) { target[priority] = p; }
> }
> ```
> On the contrary, you would want to replace a class completely:
> ```
> @singleton
> class system {
>   get version() { return '1.0.0'; }
>   get drives() { return ...; }
> }
> console.log(system.version);
> function singleton(target) {
>   return target();
> }
> ```
> I'm not saying is not important to distinguish between classes and
> functions, I'm just saying, it is not as important and not critical for the
> decorator syntax. It suffices for a framework to make their classes to
> inherit from a custom base object with a symbol `isClass` set to true to
> allow their own decorators to distinguish between classes and functions but
> these are specific-implementation details. What is true is the the syntax
> works for regular functions and class based functions.
>> Maybe it's me overlooking at this, but the fact we cannot distinguish
>> between classes and functions doesn't feel right to me.
> No, sorry, maybe it's me that I can not see a harmful side effect here.
> Can you point me some example where not distinguishing between functions
> and classes would be fatal, please? Maybe this way, I (and others)
> understand your concerns.
>> Regards
>> P.S. babel has some target (browsers mostly, and nodejs) but it shouldn't
>> be the reason to choose a pattern instead of another, or at least not the
>> only one
> Of course, but it is a clear indicator of semantics. It's very valuable
> for a language to allow its own declarative semantics to be expressed in a
> programmatic fashion as it denotes a very consistent and versatile data &
> execution models.
>> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 9:26 PM, Salvador de la Puente González <
>> sa...@unoyunodiez.com> wrote:
>>> Hi people.
>>> After reading the conversation, I think there is no ambiguity at all or,
>>> may be, it must be there: decorating a function should be like decorating a
>>> class, you can not distinguish between them and that's all. Just look at
>>> the code generated in Babel:
>>> https://babeljs.io/repl/#?experimental=true&evaluate=true&loose=false&spec=false&code=%40decorator%0Aclass%20A%20{}
>>> <https://babeljs.io/repl/#?experimental=true&evaluate=true&loose=false&spec=false&code=%40decorator%0Aclass%20A%20%7B%7D>
>>> You'll see:
>>> ```
>>> A = decorator(A) || A;
>>> ```
>>> And this is the traditional notion of decorator we see in Python and
>>> other languages. A simple way to check for a generic decorator would be:
>>> ```
>>> function decorator(target, name='', descriptor=null) {
>>>   if (descriptor) console.log('Decorating a member');
>>>   else console.log('Decorating either a function or class');
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> And it's very consistent if you think the only difference a ES6 class
>>> introduces is that you are not allowed to call the class as a function.
>>> So, the generated code for:
>>> ```
>>> @decorator
>>> function A() { }
>>> ```
>>> Should be:
>>> ```
>>> function A() {}
>>> A = decorator(A) || A;
>>> ```
>>> And that's all, if you always add the overwrite after the definition,
>>> hoisting is irrelevant but if it worries you, simply avoid hoisting when
>>> decorating as Axel suggested.
>>> PS: Well thought, it must be possible for an hypothetical reflection
>>> function to determine if a function is a class or not as classes are marked
>>> to throw when they are not invoked with new.
>>> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 9:52 PM, Andrea Giammarchi <
>>> andrea.giammar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Ron, there's **no way** you can distinguish a class from  a generic
>>>> function in current specifications.
>>>> Having one argument won't tell me much, having a way to know that is
>>>> not a class I need to decorate (traits/mixins) but just a function, so
>>>> ignoring its prototype and do something else, would be cool but it's
>>>> unfortunately not possible or portable.
>>>> How would you distinguish between a class or a function for a generic
>>>> decorator? Or all you are saying is that decorators shouldn't be able to
>>>> distinguish at all between a class, rather than a function?
>>>> Regards
>>>> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 7:32 PM, Ron Buckton <ron.buck...@microsoft.com
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Andrea,
>>>>> Is your concern about disambiguating the usage of a decorator at the
>>>>> call site or within the body of the decorator? In the current proposal, 
>>>>> you
>>>>> can decorate a class member, or the class itself.
>>>>> When decorating a class member, three arguments are passed to the
>>>>> decorator: The target, the property key (string or symbol), and the
>>>>> descriptor. When decorating the class, one argument is passed to the
>>>>> decorator: The constructor function. Generally this means that you can
>>>>> disambiguate the usage of the decorator based simply on 
>>>>> `arguments.length`,
>>>>> or testing for `undefined` for the property key or descriptor.
>>>>> Would it be better to have a more consistent way to disambiguate the
>>>>> usage of a decorator from within the decorator? This could be addressed
>>>>> with something like a Reflect.getDecoratorUsage API or a
>>>>> `function.decoration` meta-property or the like. Consider something like:
>>>>> ```js
>>>>> function memoize(target, key, descriptor) {
>>>>>   switch (Reflect.getDecoratorUsage(arguments)) {
>>>>>     case "class":
>>>>>       // `target` is the class constructor. `key` and `descriptor` are
>>>>> undefined.
>>>>>     case "function":
>>>>>       // `target` is the function. `key` and `descriptor` are
>>>>> undefined.
>>>>>     case "method":
>>>>>       // `target` is the object containing the method (e.g.
>>>>> constructor
>>>>>       // for a static method, prototype for a prototype method, or
>>>>>       // instance for an object literal method).
>>>>>       // `key` is the string or symbol property name for the method.
>>>>>       // `descriptor` is the property descriptor for the method.
>>>>>     case "accessor":
>>>>>       // `target` is the object containing the accessor (e.g.
>>>>> constructor
>>>>>       // for a static accessor, prototype for a prototype accessor, or
>>>>>       // instance for an object literal accessor).
>>>>>       // `key` is the string or symbol property name for the accessor.
>>>>>       // `descriptor` is the property descriptor for the accessor.
>>>>>   }
>>>>> }
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Ron
>>>>> *From:* es-discuss [mailto:es-discuss-boun...@mozilla.org] *On Behalf
>>>>> Of *Andrea Giammarchi
>>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, October 22, 2015 10:47 AM
>>>>> *To:* Yongxu Ren <renyon...@gmail.com>
>>>>> *Cc:* es-discuss mailing list <es-discuss@mozilla.org>
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Decorators for functions
>>>>> Removing ambiguity is my point since the very first post: current
>>>>> proposal is about a target, a property name, and a descriptor for such
>>>>> property ... having functions/variables decorators have no target (in
>>>>> strict mode undefined can't be a target, right?) and not necessarily a
>>>>> descriptor, or if any, always a data one with fields that makes no  sense
>>>>> (like enumerable within a private scope ... what does that even mean)
>>>>> I'm all in for a distinct, separate, syntax to decorate "callables" or
>>>>> other variables as long as the current proposal will make for ES7 and 
>>>>> won't
>>>>> be bothered by this different requirement.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 6:29 PM, Yongxu Ren <renyon...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I don't think
>>>>> > ```@@ or @() or @::meomize```
>>>>> would really help much, you can tell what the decorator does by simply
>>>>> looking at its name. And looks like you can not use @ and @@ for the
>>>>> same decorator function without adding extra condition checking inside the
>>>>> function.
>>>>> There are two patterns that we have discussed here, they are actually
>>>>> quite distinct. I still think we should support decorator on variables, 
>>>>> but
>>>>> maybe we should have 2 distinct syntax for the normal decorators and
>>>>> "ambient decorators"(from Jonathan's post):
>>>>> 1.  decorator that alter the code behavior,  the currently proposed
>>>>> decorator. Such as ```@memoize```
>>>>> 2. decorator that absolutely does not alter the code behavior, only
>>>>> used for optimization, checking or debugging. Instead of @, a distinct
>>>>> syntax will be much clearer ex.```@annotatition@``` (Maybe it should
>>>>> be called annotation instead?):
>>>>> ```
>>>>> @deprecated@
>>>>> @number,number=>string@/*type checking*/
>>>>> @debug("this message will only print in development mode")@
>>>>> ```
>>>>> it sounds like terrible idea to have a decorator in code that you can
>>>>> not figure out if it will alter the code behavior by looking at it. I do
>>>>> like to see all the new ideas been added into javascript, but it is also
>>>>> necessary to eliminate the ambiguity whenever possible.
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 11:20 AM, Jonathan Bond-Caron <
>>>>> jbo...@gdesolutions.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Thu Oct 22 07:44 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:
>>>>> > > determined at creation time, allowing for massive engine
>>>>> optimization,
>>>>> >
>>>>> Ya I'm not sure from which hat "massive engine optimization" comes
>>>>> from?
>>>>> What's meant is likely using decorators as annotations (compile time
>>>>> optimizations hints):
>>>>> http://www.google.com/patents/US7013458
>>>>> <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.google.com%2fpatents%2fUS7013458&data=01%7c01%7cron.buckton%40microsoft.com%7c4f28552d1837468197db08d2db08dcea%7c72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7c1&sdata=atTz2em0YIlXUvUVgiWsZ5xKNjJsIOzm3wLejdDl33E%3d>
>>>>> Or 'ambient decorators':
>>>>> https://github.com/jonathandturner/brainstorming/blob/master/README.md#c6-ambient-decorators
>>>>> <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3a%2f%2fgithub.com%2fjonathandturner%2fbrainstorming%2fblob%2fmaster%2fREADME.md%23c6-ambient-decorators&data=01%7c01%7cron.buckton%40microsoft.com%7c4f28552d1837468197db08d2db08dcea%7c72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7c1&sdata=1aXPAnWuPpVgE3wCYZqcEnTaksCKqzwuq0bGLkkG8Uo%3d>
>>>>> There's 2 patterns (maybe more?):
>>>>> (a) Tagging a 'tree transformation'  on a node.
>>>>> (b) Metadata at compile time on a node.
>>>>> The thing about (b) is it can easily live outside of the code (like in
>>>>> typescript where you have an optional header/declaration file)
>>>>> With (a), it seems more conservative to see how it gets used with
>>>>> classes before bolting on to functions (opinion: end result in java is not
>>>>> something to be proud of).
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