> On Jul 24, 2016, at 7:04 PM, /#!/JoePea <j...@trusktr.io> wrote:
> What if there was also something like `Function.prototype.bind` like 
> `Function.prototype.with`, so `someFunc.with(homeObject)` returns a new 
> function who's [[HomeObject]] is the specified `homeObject`. It would be 
> possible to do `someFunc.with(...).bind(...)` to configure both the home 
> object and `this`.

This was  included in the ES6 drafst for quite awhile. Initially with the name 
defineMethod and latter as toMethod.  But it was eventually decided to remove 
it.  The pros and cons of such a function were extensively discussed with in 
TC39 over a several year period. For example,  see 

The issues with defineMethod/toMethod are summarized in 
and https://github.com/allenwb/ESideas/blob/master/dcltomethod.md 
<https://github.com/allenwb/ESideas/blob/master/dcltomethod.md> which is a 
proposal for an alternative way to address the problem. Notes from that 
discussion are at 

Where it has been left by TC30 is roughly:
1) There are indeed use cases for dynamically configuring the HomeObject 
binding but they are quite specialized.
2) All of the solution that have been proposed are confusing or error prone.
3) So far, the actual user demand for such a feature is small.
4) We aren’t going to do anything until there is significant real world 
feedback saying that it really is needed.

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