In JS, if you assign a string to a var containing an object... it will
become an object.

Michael, I'm sorry to say JavaScript is not "safe". Try

JavaScript is the land of pragmatic algorithms and "for internals and
abstracted away from you in a safe way".

Workers are cool. I like it.

But for those who knows internals, it is very very expensive. And messaging
with one worker is easy peasy. Try with 5. That amazing onmessages
everywhere without a good organization and you will reclaim your Visual
Studio in no time.

I'm talking about do a single

async rasterizeTheWholeGameStuff() {}

And all the stuff, as a simple async or callback, run inside a green thread.

Is that really so much? I don't think so.
I think all of your statements against it, till now, are not considering
about being "seamless".

Bösch, I think greenlets is a great example... but I'd take it in a second
step, thinking about that additionals I put above.

They can't even agree with an existing, full of racing condition and no
atomicity clojured function body, to be run SEAMLESS in another thread.

Maybe if I create an e-mail like or
es-discuss mailing list

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