+1 on the idea, -1 on the execution. Here's a few things to be aware of:

- A single unary or binary operator without parentheses is unambiguous
where only expressions are allowed.
- If the operators directly desugar to lambdas, you'll have functions that
look `===`, but aren't.
- The operator `-` could be either unary or binary, and `x => -x` and `(a,
b) => a - b` are both valid potential desugarings. Similar issues exist for

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017, 07:15 kai zhu <kaizhu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> -1
> i can see this becoming a debugging nightmare in math libraries where its
> confused with arithmetic expressions.
> yet-another-alien-syntax to remember when debugging other people's code.
> On Jul 11, 2017 03:35, "Vihan Bhargava" <cont...@vihan.org> wrote:
>> As JS/ECMAScript gains more and more of a functional use, I've been
>> really wanting a functional operator feature from JS for a while. If you
>> aren't familiar with them, they are inspired from haskell along the lines
>> of:
>> ```js
>> let add1 = (+);  // This is the same as below
>> let add2 = (a, b) => a + b;
>> ```
>> This definitely helps clear up verbosity in reduce statements and related
>> functions. Another example would be for sorting:
>> ```js
>> [1,4,3,6].sort((-));
>> ```
>> While all operators (namely `=`) wouldn't work as functional operators, I
>> think this would be a useful addition to the language.
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