I have been looking into functional operators while working on a proposal for 
pipeline and partial application. I’ve found that a sigil like `{+}` is just as 
ergonomic as `(+)`, but has fewer lookahead issues with respect to regular 
expression parsing. While `(/)` is ambiguous as to whether it would be a 
division function or the start of a parenthesized regular expression literal, 
`{/` is far less ambiguous in most expression positions. The only ambiguity is 
at the statement level where `{/` could be interpreted as the start of a block 
with a regular expression literal. However, it is fairly unlikely this 
expression would be used in this position, and this can be mitigated using 
parentheses just as we do for object assignment patterns in destructuring 

The other ambiguous case is how to differentiate between overloaded binary and 
unary operators. For that, I’ve considered following the approach taken by F# 
and prefixing overloaded unary operators with tilde. As such `{+}` would always 
be a binary plus function, while `{~+}` would be the unary plus function. In 
the same vein, `{-}` would be binary minus, while `{~-}` would be the unary 
minus function. For non-overloaded unary operators the prefix is unnecessary, 
so `{~}` and `{!}` would not be prefixed.

While built-ins could serve this case, they are far less ergonomic than a 
shorthand sigil for an operator. On the other hand, we could have both, with 
the operator sigils acting as shorthand for the long-form built-in methods. 
Either way, I would expect `{+} === {+}` as there is no sense in allocating a 
fresh function object each time it is encountered. Ideally, these would be 
frozen functions that are created once per realm and have the same semantics as 
an arrow function (i.e. [[Call]] but no [[Construct]], etc.).


From: es-discuss [mailto:es-discuss-boun...@mozilla.org] On Behalf Of Darien 
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 3:08 PM
To: es-discuss@mozilla.org
Subject: Re: Re: Functional Operators

Minor point regarding the syntax given here: introducing `(/)` would likely be 
problematic because it breaks the constraint that there are no positions in the 
grammar where both a division operator and a regular expression literal could 
be valid continuations.

(Perhaps new built-ins like `Math.add` etc might represent a more consistent 
approach to the issue of operators not being function references?)
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