On Jul 27, 2017, at 5:43 PM, Andreas Rossberg <rossb...@google.com> wrote:
> That is not always true. For example, ES6 has caused some notable performance 
> regressions for ES5 code initially, due to extensions to the object model 
> that made it even more dynamic. The new @@-hooks were particularly nasty and 
> some cases required substantial amounts of work from implementers just to get 
> back close to the previous baseline performance. Parsing also slowed down 
> measurably. Moreover, many features tend to add combinatorial complexity that 
> can make the surface of "common cases" to optimise for in preexisting 
> features much larger.

I’ve noticed chrome 59 freezing more when initially loading pages.  Maybe its 
due to performance-penalty of extra parser complexity, maybe not.  Also, the 
chrome-based electron-browser has gotten slower with each release over the past 
year, when I use it to test mostly es5-based browser-code.  Can’t say about the 
other browser-vendors as I don’t use them as much.
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