> Maybe you mean "will behave more or less as if (except more efficiently)"?

no, I meant: it will transpiled into something using private WeakMaps.

I don't have any interest in talk nanoseconds for something unrelated to
the topic though.

Best Regards

On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Alex Kodat <alexko...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What do you mean by “will be transpiled through”? My understanding of the
> private property proposal is that private properties will be in fixed slots
> (inaccessible outside the class) in the object so there would be no
> WeakMap. Maybe you mean "will behave more or less as if (except more
> efficiently)"?
> ----
> Alex Kodat
> From: es-discuss [mailto:es-discuss-boun...@mozilla.org] On Behalf Of
> Andrea Giammarchi
> Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 2:31 AM
> To: Steve Fink <sph...@gmail.com>
> Cc: es-discuss@mozilla.org
> Subject: Re: Lazy evaluation
> > The properties already existed, so defineProperty shouldn't modify the
> order IIUC
> well, nope. the property existed in the prototype, not in the object.
> anyway, I guess private properties, that are a possible solution, will be
> transpiled through a WeakMap so that most likely anything discussed in here
> won't make sense and the future code would look like the following
> ```js
> class A {
>   #random;
>   get random() {
>     return this.#random ||
>           (this.#random = Math.random());
>   }
> }
> // transpiled
> var A = function (wm) {
>   function A() {
>     wm.set(this, {random: void 0});
>   }
>   Object.defineProperties(
>     A.prototype,
>     {
>       random: {
>         configurable: true,
>         get: function () {
>           return wm.get(this).random ||
>                 (wm.get(this).random = Math.random());
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   );
>   return A;
> }(new WeakMap);
> ```
> On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 10:39 PM, Steve Fink <mailto:sph...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> My intent was only to respond to the performance analysis, specifically
> the implication that the only performance cost is in building the new
> hidden class. That is not the case; everything that touches those objects
> is affected as well.
> Whether or not it's still the right way to accomplish what you're after, I
> wasn't venturing an opinion. I could probably come up with a benchmark
> showing that your WeakMap approach can be faster -- eg by only accessing
> the property once, but feeding the old and new versions of the object into
> code that executes many many many times (doing something that never looks
> at that property, but is now slightly slower because it isn't monomorphic).
> But I suspect that for practical usage, redefining the property *is* faster
> than a WeakMap.
> If I were to look beyond for other solutions for your problem, then I'm
> just speculating. Can decorators populate multiple properties once the
> expensive work is done?
> I really want to tell the VM what's going on. I guess if it knew that
> accessing a getter property would convert it into a value property, and
> that it was doing something that would access the getter, then it could
> know to use the outgoing shape instead of the incoming shape. If only it
> knew that the getter was pure... but that way lies madness.
> Given that most code that would slow down would also trigger the lazy
> defineProperty(), it's really not going to be that much of an issue. Any
> access after the first will see a single shape.
> meh. Just take the perf hit, with awareness that you may be triggering
> slight slowdowns in all users of that object. Or you might not. I doubt
> it'll be that big, since you'll probably just end up with an inline cache
> for both shapes and there won't be all that much to optimize based on
> knowing a single shape.
> Oh, and I think I was wrong about property enumeration order. The
> properties already existed, so defineProperty shouldn't modify the order
> IIUC. (I am awful with language semantics.)
> On 9/11/17 2:48 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:
> Steve it's not solved in any other way. Even if you use a WeakMap with an
> object, you gonna lazy attach properties to that object.
> I honestly would like to see alternatives, if any, 'cause so far there is
> a benchmark and it proves already lazy property assignment is around 4x
> faster.
> So, it's easy to say "it's not the best approach" but apparently hard to
> prove that's the case?
> Looking forward to see better alternatives.
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 8:15 PM, Steve Fink <mailto:sph...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> On 9/11/17 5:36 AM, Matthew Robb wrote:
> > I think it's irrelevant if internally VMs are not too happy. VMs are
> there to solve our problems, not vice-versa ;-)
> ​
> This ^​ is very important for everyone to get on board with. Regardless
> the cost should be negligible as the shape is only changing at the point of
> delayed init. This will cause, for example V8, to deop the object and have
> to build a new hidden class but only the one time. I guess it would
> potentially be interesting to support an own property that when undefined
> would delegate up the proto chain.
> (I don't know, but) I would expect it to be worse than this. The shape is
> changing at the point of delayed init, which means that if an engine is
> associating the possible set of shapes with the constructor (or some other
> form of allocation site + mandatory initialization), then that site will
> produce multiple shapes. All code using such objects, if they ever see both
> shapes, will have to handle them both. Even worse, if you have several of
> these delayed init properties and you end up lazily initializing them in
> different orders (which seems relatively easy to do), then the internal
> slot offsets will vary.
> You don't need to bend over backwards to make things easy for the VMs, but
> you don't want to be mean to them either. :-)
> Not to mention that the observable property iteration order will vary.
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 7:09 AM, Andrea Giammarchi <mailto:
> andrea.giammar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Peter.
> Unless you have a faster way to do lazy property assignment, I think it's
> irrelevant if internally VMs are not too happy. VMs are there to solve our
> problems, not vice-versa ;-)
> Regards
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 11:54 AM, peter miller <mailto:
> fuchsia.gr...@virgin.net> wrote:
> Hi Andrea,
> ```
> class CaseLazy {
>   get bar() {
>     var value = Math.random();
>     Object.defineProperty(this, 'bar', {value});
>     return value;
>   }
> }
> ```
> Doesn't this count as redefining the shape of the object? Or are the
> compilers fine with it?
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